Supplemental Materials for Object Elicitation: A Compassionate & Culturally-Informed Method for Psychotherapy Research
These supplementary materials support the paper entitled:
Object Elicitation: A Compassionate & Culturally-Informed Method for Psychotherapy Research
Abstract: This study provides an innovative, compassionate, and culturally informed method for psychotherapy research, using object elicitation with thirteen participants from vulnerable groups. It examines the positive impact it has on building the research alliance, enhanced depth of sharing within qualitative research interviews, and emic ways of knowing through the engagement with a culturally relevant, tangible, internalised or transitional object brought by vulnerable participants from diverse cultural contexts of origin. Results showcase how a creative and compassionate research method can promote a culturally informed research alliance with vulnerable participants, helping to build trust, rapport, and relational depth, encourage elicitation of experiences, and empower emic and subjugated voices. The implications of this study make the case for the inclusion of object elicitation as a creative and compassionate method in qualitative research with traumatised and vulnerable individuals, which should be used as part of a culturally informed approach to psychotherapy research.