York St John University

Andrew Hill


  • A Longitudinal Examination of the Relationship Between Perfectionism and Motivational Climate in Dance
  • Real and imagined perils: A reply to Stoeber and Gaudreau (2017)
  • Perfectionism and coping with injury in marathon runners: A test of the 2×2 model of perfectionism
  • The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and pre-competition emotions of youth footballers
  • Trait perfectionism and attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • The 2 × 2 model of perfectionism and youth sport participation: A mixed-methods approach
  • The 2 × 2 model of perfectionism and negative experiences in youth sport
  • Not All Perfectionism Cognitions Are Multidimensional: Evidence for the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory–10
  • A test of social learning and parent socialization perspectives on the development of perfectionism
  • Feelings of not Mattering and Depressive Symptoms From a Temporal Perspective: A Comparison of the Cross-Lagged Panel Model and Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model
  • Perfectionism myths
  • Perfectionism in sport, dance, and exercise
  • Multidimensional Perfectionism and Burnout: A Meta-Analysis
  • Multidimensional perfectionism in sport: A meta-analytical review
  • A short review of perfectionism in sport, dance and exercise: out with the old, in with the 2 × 2
  • Perfectionism, burnout and engagement in youth sport: The mediating role of basic psychological needs
  • A three-wave longitudinal test of self-determination theory's mediation model of engagement and disaffection in youth sport
  • Do Athlete and Coach Performance Perfectionism Predict Athlete Burnout?
  • Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in athletes: the mediating role of achievement goal orientations
  • A qualitative study of perfectionism among self-identified perfectionists in sport and the performing arts
  • Development of perfectionism in junior athletes: Examination of actual and perceived parental perfectionism
  • Comment on: “The Great British Medalists Project: A Review of Current Knowledge on the Development of the World’s Best Sporting Talent”
  • Corrigendum to “The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and pre-competition emotions of youth footballers” (Psychology of Sport & Exercise (2018) 37 (33–42), (S1469029217307616), (10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.04.002))
  • Perfectionism as a vulnerability following appearance-focussed social comparison: A multi-wave study with female adolescents
  • Perfectionistic self-presentation and emotional experiences in music students: A three-wave longitudinal study
  • Perfectionism and athlete engagement: A multi-sample test of the 2 × 2 model of perfectionism
  • The relationship between perfectionistic self-presentation and reactions to impairment and disability following spinal cord injury
  • Perfectionism, Burnout, and Engagement in Dance: The Moderating Role of Autonomy Support
  • The relationships between parental conditional regard and adolescents' self-critical and narcissistic perfectionism
  • Relationships between the coach-created motivational climate and athlete engagement in youth sport
  • Development and initial validation of the Perfectionistic Climate Questionnaire-Sport (PCQ-S)
  • Perfectionism in Academically Gifted Students: A Systematic Review
  • Perfectionism is increasing over time: A meta-analysis of birth cohort differences from 1989 to 2016
  • A test of perfectionistic vulnerability following competitive failure among college athletes
  • Perfectionistic tipping points: Re-probing interactive effects of perfectionism.
  • Perfectionism and performance following failure in a competitive golf-putting task
  • A case for multiple pathways to increasing perfectionism: Reply to Soenens and Vansteenkiste (2019)
  • The predictive ability of perfectionistic traits and self-presentational styles in relation to exercise dependence
  • Perfectionism and training performance: The mediating role of other-approach goals
  • Development and Initial Validation of the Performance Perfectionism Scale for Sport (PPS-S)
  • Multidimensional perfectionism and cortisol stress response in non-clinical populations: A systematic review and evaluation
  • Perfectionism and training distress in junior athletes: The mediating role of coping tendencies
  • The psychology of passion: A meta-analytical review of a decade of research on intrapersonal outcomes
  • Combined effects, total unique effects and relative weights of perfectionism
  • Perfectionism and precompetition emotions in youth footballers: A three-wave longitudinal test of the mediating role of perfectionistic cognitions
  • Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in athletes: A continuously cumulating meta-analysis and test of the 2 × 2 model
  • Helping soccer players help themselves: Effectiveness of a psychoeducational book in reducing perfectionism
  • Development of perfectionism in junior athletes: A three-sample study of coach and parental pressure
  • Perfectionism, burnout, and depression in youth soccer players: A longitudinal study
  • Perfectionism in sport and dance: Introduction to the special issue
  • Perfectionism and burnout in elite junior athletes: The mediating influence of motivational regulation
  • Perfectionism and positive and negative outcomes: Stress and coping processes as mediators and moderators
  • The predictive ability of the frequency of perfectionistic cognitions, self-oriented perfectionism, and socially prescribed perfectionism in relation to symptoms of burnout in youth rugby players
  • Perfectionism and emotion regulation in coaches: A test of the 2 × 2 model of dispositional perfectionism
  • Perfectionism
  • Relations between multidimensional perfectionism and burnout in junior-elite male athletes
  • The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and contingencies of self-worth
  • Perfectionism and athlete burnout in junior elite athletes: the mediating role of coping tendencies
  • Perfectionism, dysfunctional achievement striving and burnout in aspiring athletes: the motivational implications for performing artists
  • The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and psychological need thwarting in junior sports participants
  • Team Perfectionism and Team Performance: A Prospective Study
  • Multi-dimensional perfectionism, and exercise dependence: The mediating influence of introjected self-regulation and intrinsic motivation
  • Do perfectionistic cognitions moderate the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and symptoms of athlete burnout?
  • An assessment of the similarities between a measure of positive perfectionism and a measure of conscientious achievement striving
  • Perfectionism and burnout in junior elite soccer players: The mediating influence of unconditional self-acceptance
  • Perfectionism and junior athlete burnout: The mediating role of autonomous and controlled motivation.
  • A comparative examination of the correlates of self-oriented perfectionism and conscientious achievement striving in male cricket academy players
  • Perfectionism and athlete burnout in junior elite athletes: The mediating role of motivation regulations
  • The mediating influence of unconditional self-acceptance and labile self-esteem on the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and exercise dependence
  • The cognitive, affective and behavioural response of self-oriented perfectionists following three successive failures on a cycle ergometer task
  • The mediating role of psychological need satisfaction in relationships between types of passion for sport and athlete burnout
  • Measurement invariance of the Behavioural Regulation in Sport Questionnaire when completed by young athletes across five European countrie
  • Perfectionism and junior athlete burnout: The mediating role of autonomous and controlling motivation
  • Examining the influence of the parent-initiated and coach-created motivational climate upon athletes’ perfectionistic cognitions
  • Perfectionism and burnout in junior elite soccer players: The mediating influence of unconditional self-acceptance
  • Family patterns of perfectionism: An examination of elite junior athletes and their parents
  • A test of the concurrent and construct validity of the positive and negative perfectionism scale
  • A conditional process model of children’s behavioural engagement and behavioural disaffection in sport based on self-determination theory
  • Motivational vulnerability in first year undergraduates: A self-determination theory perspective
  • Student investment in a research design course: The influence of achievement orientations on motivational patterns
  • Perfectionism and athlete burnout: A test of the 2 × 2 model of dispositional perfectionism
  • The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and passion
  • Passion and burnout in elite junior soccer players: The mediating role of self-determined motivation
  • Perfectionistic strivings and the perils of partialling
  • Perceived coach behaviors and athletes' engagement and disaffection in youth sport: The mediating role of the psychological needs
  • Perfectionism: The role of personality in shaping an athlete's sporting experience
  • Perfectionism and burnout in canoe polo and kayak slalom athletes: The mediating influence of validation and growth-seeking
  • A conditional process model of children's behavioral engagement and behavioral disaffection in sport based on self-determination theory
  • The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and passion in junior athletes
  • Examining the influence of the parent-initiated and coach-created motivational climates upon athletes' perfectionistic cognitions
  • The cognitive, affective and behavioural responses of self-oriented perfectionists following successive failure on a muscular endurance task
  • Student investment in a research methods course: The influence of achievement goals on motivational patterns
  • The mediating role of psychological need satisfaction in relationships between types of passion for sport and athlete burnout
  • Perfectionistic strivings and the perils of partialling
  • Passion and burnout in elite junior soccer players: The mediating role of self-determined motivation
  • Measurement invariance of the Behavioural Regulation in Sport Questionnaire when completed by young athletes across five European countries
  • Introduction to the special issue
  • Perfectionism and burnout in junior soccer players: A test of the 2 × 2 model of dispositional perfectionism
  • Perfectionism and athlete burnout in junior elite athletes: The mediating role of motivation regulations
  • The origins of perfectionism in elite junior sport: Examining the Social Learning Model
  • A re-examination of the 2x2 model of perfectionism, burnout, and engagement in sports
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, Medical Mistrust, and Mattering in Ethnically Diverse Communities
  • Corrigendum to “The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and pre-competition emotions of youth footballers” (Psychology of Sport & Exercise (2018) 37 (33–42), (S1469029217307616), (10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.04.002))
  • Comparisons and Conversions: A Methodological Note and Caution for Meta-Analysis in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Effectiveness of an online acceptance and commitment therapy programme for perfectionism in soccer players: A randomized control trial.
  • Exploring and Evaluating the Two-Factor Model of Perfectionism in Sport
  • Perfectionism, Feelings of Not Mattering, and Suicide Ideation: An Integrated Test of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model and the Existential Model of Perfectionism

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Co-workers & collaborators

Daniel Madigan

Daniel Madigan

Michael Grugan

Michael Grugan

Andrew Hill's public data